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Ifeoma headshot
Remember that no one has gotten where they are without help!
Civic Engagement and Volunteering
Leadership and Advocacy
Photo of Kam holding a flower.
My advice to practitioners and researchers is come to us, the youth, and let us enlighten you on the issues youth face and what supports we need.
Civic Engagement and Volunteering
Health and Safety
Leadership and Advocacy
Mental Health and Wellbeing
young women
I am hopeful that when my generation becomes the holders of power, we will be able to really make long strides towards a more equitable world.
Civic Engagement and Volunteering
Leadership and Advocacy
Change Maker Megan
Yes, there are bad things in the world, but there are so many good things, and there are so many people I still have who are with me. I'm going to take this time with them and cherish it and be thankful.
Health and Safety
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Everyone out there is different, you never know what that person has gone through and what they're dealing with.
Health and Safety
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Change Maker Maxwell
My goal is to prevent others from being stuck in the grip of addiction.
Health and Safety