Do you need money for college? Are you looking for financial aid options? CareerOneStop helps students find easy-to-understand information to help them make good economic decisions.
CareerOneStop helps you find scholarships by filtering by level of study, location, affiliations, gender, and more. The search tool can help you search for more than 8,000 scholarships, fellowships, loans, and other types of student financial aid. You can even filter the search results for opportunities specifically for students with disabilities. There are opportunities for individuals pursuing an associate’s degree, a bachelor’s degree, or a graduate degree; it also includes scholarships for high school students and vocational studies.
CareerOneStop is a great resource that provides a search tool for federal and state internships and a place to develop a pathway to career success. It is a great resource to find information about networking, job search tips, résumés, interviews, and so much more! Look for training programs, jobs, careers, internships, and more by searching job titles and locations. Check frequently for new and updated opportunities.