The Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth helps children with extreme prison sentences. The organization works for the just and equal treatment of children in the United States by advocating for an end to juvenile prison sentences that can cause harm. It focuses on public education, advocacy, and litigation to ban prison life sentences without parole for children.
Interns learn about juvenile life-without-parole sentences. They also assist with research, attend meetings, develop communications, and provide office support.
The following internships are available:
- Legal Interns: for law interns to support policy advocacy, and litigation efforts that work to end the practice of sentencing children to life in prison.
- General Interns: assist staff in research projects, attend meetings, and preform program support that works to end the practice of sentencing children to life in prison.
Both positions require letters of interest, résumés, two references per application, and academic transcripts (official or unofficial).
Time Commitment: Varies by position
Compensation: None listed.
Interns can receive college credit and a letter of recommendation.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Qualifications: Vary by position
Legal Interns: accepted on a rolling basis with the following general guidelines:
- Summer internship: January 31
- Fall internship: August 31
- Spring internship: November 30
General Interns: accepted on a rolling basis with the following general guidelines:
- Summer internship: April 15
- Fall internship: August 15
- Spring internship: November 15