Young people like you across the country are volunteering, acting as leaders and role models, advocating, and making an impact in the lives of others. Read their stories below and get inspired to create change for yourself and others!
It may make you feel uncomfortable sharing, but it is worth it if it can help other youth. You can make big changes in people’s lives if you go into social work.
I encourage those foster youth and alumni that are reading this to give internships a chance. Don't tell yourself there's no way to make it work...More things are possible than we can predict, so be willing to risk it.
I am able to lead by example so that other people see that this is what foster youth could be and that foster youth are able to make it through the system being resilient.
My internship was a life-changing experience. We invited members of Congress to come and listen to what we had to say and hear our recommendations for how to improve foster care through lawmaking. It was a great experience and I learned a lot.