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Intern Alex
Growing up, I saw a lot of disparities in my neighborhood and all over Los Angeles. I noticed from an early age the impact that government programs had on people and their daily lives.
Intern Ty
Nine months ago, I was a Harvard sophomore who was searching for a summer internship, preferably one in my area of interest, public health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was an obvious option for me.
Healthy Relationships
Change Maker LaRay
A lot of people might think that you may not have good ideas because you're a teenager, but working hard makes a big difference as it shows [others] you have a voice and you are capable…
Health and Safety
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Change Maker Katie
I understand how substance abuse can change a person and change really who they are… There are always people that you can talk to and there are always people that can help you.
Health and Safety
Leadership and Advocacy
Change Maker Hayley
I was inspired to create MY LIFE...because there was really a lack of places that youth could share their voice, and make a positive difference in their lives and in the community.
Foster Care
Health and Safety
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Change Maker Razilee
I wanted to participate in a different kind of journey where I could experience and get a better understanding of strengths and hardships of communities first hand.
Civic Engagement and Volunteering
Health and Safety