Civic Engagement and Volunteering • COVID-19 • Health and Safety
The medical community has worked incredibly hard during the timeframe of COVID-19 to protect and help others. You can show their support for them through thanks for their actions and dedication.
Education • Employment • Leadership and Advocacy
YE4C is all about young people making a difference in their lives and the world around them. Today’s post celebrates five youth leaders who do just that: Humberto Palacios, Julie Jent, Sarai Antoine, Phoenix Ramirez, and Jemira Queen. In September, all five came to Washington, D.C. from across the country to talk about ways to help get young people back to school or work. These young leaders met with organizations for two days and drew on their personal experiences and stories from their communities.
Healthy Relationships
During October, YE4C, in partnership with The Osborne Association, launched a contest as part of #SeeUsSupportUs Month to help raise awareness about what it’s like to have a parent or caregiver who is incarcerated, and advocate to improve visiting at prisons and jails. We asked youth to answer the questions: Why is visiting important? What is visiting like? What can make visiting at a prison or jail better?